Friday, November 4, 2011

Rube Goldberg Machine

Video of machine in action can be found here:

This machine was designed to do a simple task (raising a balloon) in a complex way. The steps are as follows:

1. A quarter is dropped through a tube, activating a mouse trap
2. The mouse trap pulls a piece of wood out from under a heavy lock which is attached to a pulley system
3. The lock falls down and pulls a block of Lego's up
4. The Lego's hit a golf ball which rolls down two platforms and falls through a white tube and onto a second mouse trap
5. The mouse trap activates and pulls five pins out from under five wooden blocks
6. The blocks fall and stack on top of each other, pushing one side of a lever down
7. The other side of the lever pulls a pin out of a block, releasing the balloon 

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